Friday, December 30, 2011

The beginning of winter

Time to put everything to bed.

Jeannie and Malinda came to clean up the beds and put in a new strawberry bed. The garden is almost cleaned up and new compost is enriching the beds. The small orchard of espalier apple and pear trees has been pruned and the raspberries have been thinned out and moved revealing all five of the blue berry bushes.

The chickens have a night -light, but they have still cut back on their laying. The Americana Chickens are laying an egg every three days, the Cochin Banties are not laying, and so I am getting about two eggs a week. They spend school days in the coop, but weekends they get out in their little chicken yard and get some cracked corn.

I had an awning built for the beehive, hoping to winter them over. Here are some of the cleaned up Gardens and the awning for the bees.

The worms have been moved inside and the mason bees will be brought in and cleaned up for their early work when the fruit trees bloom.

The deciduous trees have lost their leaves and we have come inside and work on winter projects. I have knit quite a few things and here are a few…

Here is the Birthday Dress I knitted for my one year old Grand Daughter.

Here is one of two hats knitted for my youngest Grand.

Janita and I went together to knit four sweaters for the four girls. Janita knit one for our 4 year old. It had a lavender button band and edging. Below are two of the three that I knitted

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